The best possible outcome never comes off the shelf. It is always an individually designed and crafted, one-of-a-kind accomplishment. We strive for that in every project: therefore, we have no favorites in the beginning. No bias. Every design detail, every color and material must earn its place, show that for this particular purpose, it simply can’t be overtaken.
High-quality architecture begins with location and prevailing conditions and chooses the materials and colors accordingly – not vice versa. Materials and colors must be used so that their strengths are emphasized. Even the best materials are not suitable everywhere.
Appearance, cost-efficiency, responsibility, and customer satisfaction are just some of the issues that must be considered in good, professional design work. That is why we dig deep into the reasons why something is expected and stay involved at every stage of the process.
Interaction is a force that moves mountains. In our office, everything is done – and achieved – as a team. From the initial concept and first drafts to fine-tuning the tiniest of details, team effort keeps lifting our performance to the next level.
We create timeless designs and new trails for others to follow – by staying in touch with the trends but daring to think even beyond them. In this industry, good enough should never be good enough.
Contact Information
Hintantie 18
90500 Oulu
+358 8 818 4444